We just got back from the plaza in Elkhart today, a small group of us standing in the snow, still Occupying.
Ok, so most of Elkhart still thinks we're crazy, and maybe more so now that we're out standing in the snow. But anytime we're at the plaza (every Saturday at 2, without fail; other special ops by appointment), we really get a lot of positive reinforcement. People honk and wave (ok, to be honest, a few wave the finger instead). But for the most part, they are really glad to see us. Some of them are REALLY enthusiastic...occasionally driving by honking and waving, hanging out of the window, screaming "I really love you guys!"
Today, we just had four of us there. Other days are better, especially when the weather is better, but today just four of us stood in the cold. We laughed...we always laugh, and for some reason, we find real joy in just this stubborn persistence. We are not going away. Ed commented today "people are even more enthusiastic now because they're starting to see we're not leaving." So yes, we're determined, and maybe a little crazy, too. But we do know, and are learning more every day, about what is wrong with this world, and how we can fix it.
So I've had a lot of conversations lately with friends who started questioning my sanity when I joined Occupy. They are good friends. I've known them a long time, and so I can't really get angry when they come and basically say, "we think you've gone crazy." But then I explain to them; it takes some time. About basic economics, about credit default swaps, about fiat currency and what money really is, and how we got in this mess in the first place. And slowly they start coming around.
So I hope to try to explain some of that here on this blog too. I promise not too much. Sometimes when I'm reading and figuring things out, my head hurts afterwards for a day straight. I promise not to inflict too much here.
But when you start to figure it all out, when the pieces start to fall into place and you start to understand why "we" occupy, then I think you can't help but conclude that this is a very good thing for our nation, and our world.
We are "we the people"; we will heal this nation
I might have lost my job, but I found an occupation
If you enjoy this blog, please consider donating to our continued occupation here in Elkhart
As I said earlier, there isn't a group of people who I would RATHER be standing shoulder to shoulder with out there in the wind. Love and Solidarity...